Living on a Cloud

Many of us use Facebook, MSN and email everyday. Talking to family has drastically changed because of Google+ and Skype.

Now we can upload pictures, share videos and tell stories using great blogging sites like Blogger and Wordpress.

Of course this leads to a whole new issue ... what happens to all this information when we die? Will your family be able to see and talk to their virtual great great Grandma.  Genieology has more technology than research.

Now due to the internet, rather than read about your family, you can interact  with people's lives long after they are dead.

Check out this video from TED.

Oh and by the way ... you should make sure all your on-line accounts and passwords are left in the hands of someone you trust.

Living in or on cloud has a whole new meaning!

Article Provided by Mike Hassard. For more ideas regarding aging and financial issues that go with it to my personal blog

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