Boomer Sandwich

boomer sandwich
The baby boomers have lived an active life, but now they are sandwiched by young adult children moving back home and the added responsibility of taking care of aging parents.

Boomers are coming to terms with the their own mortality too. Many are used to a running marathons, skiing in dangerous terrain or biking long distances, but their bodies can't seem to keep up.

Check out this video from CNN - Boomers Sex drugs and rocky road

Stressing out - Boomers find themselves taking care of both their parents and their children in tough economic times.

"This is the classic sandwich generation," said Cheryl Matheis, senior vice president for policy at AARP. "It's a real juggling act that people are engaging in. Many people are not psychologically prepared. Their biggest concerns from surveys of our boomer members are their finances and health." Complete series here

Boomers are busier than ever, under more stress and their responsibilities are continuing to rise.  So much for an easy retirement.

Article provided by Mike Hassard Kelowna

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