Facing the Future Together

There are many challenges that face the Boomer Generation when it comes to tending to a beloved parent(s).

 There is constant worry and guilt – are you spending enough time with them, how can you fit in the time for doctors’ appointments, phone calls, helping with little chores……dealing with other family members. So often we lose ourselves in the chaos of helping others. This is normal, and you are not alone!

Boomer Sandwich

boomer sandwich
The baby boomers have lived an active life, but now they are sandwiched by young adult children moving back home and the added responsibility of taking care of aging parents.

Boomers are coming to terms with the their own mortality too. Many are used to a running marathons, skiing in dangerous terrain or biking long distances, but their bodies can't seem to keep up.

Check out this video from CNN - Boomers Sex drugs and rocky road

Boomers and Parents Rescheduled May 17th

your are invited boomers and parents
By request we have moved our seminar to the following week to May 17th.

Are you like most of us Baby Boomers dealing with the challenge of an aging parent(s)? Are you prepared?

Join us for our next Boomers and Parents seminar ... more information on our upcoming events page >>